Emergency Support
Business hours for our Washington, DC headquarters are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET. During those hours, call +1 202.833.7522. For urgent situations outside business hours, call +1 800.621.9559. Non-urgent matters can be directed to Vladka Shikova, Senior Program Manager.
Comprehensive Support
Our participants’ health, safety, and security is our top priority. From the application stage through preparation and the duration of the program itself, comprehensive support is unequivocally important. While staff take great care preparing for all program contingencies, occasionally issues arise that are outside of our control. To mitigate risk and respond when emergencies arise, we:
Maintain a 24/7 emergency phone for all program participants and family members
Register Americans traveling overseas with embassies
Closely monitor State Department travel advisories and local resources to assess safety risks
Prepare students to diminish local risks that are inherent in the host country environment
Maintain knowledgeable overseas staff who support and guide participants
Adhere to internal protocols for decision-making and information sharing to deal with program and individual participant emergencies
Given the nature of the countries that we serve, unforeseeable emergencies are unavoidable. American Councils has on several occasions sheltered in place or evacuated groups, depending on the nature of the emergency. We work closely with US embassies, US State Department, local partners, agencies, and institutions, travel experts, and insurance companies to move students safely away from unstable situations.
Safety is no less important for international participants in American Councils programs. We maintain a 24/7 emergency phone so that participants can be in touch with staff, regardless of day or time in case of a health or safety emergency.